We will examine that what data page is and how we configure data page definition (structure,object type,mode,scope) and sources.
Firstly let’s start data page definition to our blog. Basically,we are able to say that datapages are used to access data with some data sources and to cache the accessed data in memory.
For example, a section that displays information for a customer can reference the D_Customer data page instead of getting the information directly from the database.
Data Page Definiton
I would like to show the data page definiton section before going to the data page structure.
- Structure
In structure dropdown have two options to choose the data page structure.
1.1)Page: This data page can be treated as a single page structure.Ex: Selecting a product on an online shopping site and looking at its details is an example of this structure.
1.2)List: This data page can be treated as a page list containing multiple pages results.Ex: Listing products in the same category on the online shopping site is an example of this structure.
2) Object Type
Specify the class of the data page. This can be either a work class or a data class.
3) Mode
In mode dropdown have three options to choose the data page mode.
3.1)Read-Only: When the read only mode select,the page can not be updated.All node level data pages are read only.These data pages are displayed in the data page list on the clipboard.
3.2)Editable:When the editable mode select,the page can be updated.These data pages are displayed in the user page list on the clipboard.
3.3)Savable: It is the type of mode that enables page content to be sent,update data and write to a system of record.
4) Scope
In scope dropdown have three options to data page scope.If the data page mode is a editable,scope options reduce two option.
4.1)Thread-Level Scope: If the data page is associated with a unique case, thread level scope is used.
4.2)Node-Level Scope: Node-level scope makes a datapage accessible to all requestors.
4.3)Requestor-Level Scope: If you specify to a page in Requestor level,then it can be accessed by all the threads opened by the requestor.
Data Sources
Secondly I’ll show the Data Sources section before going to load management. The picture below shows the view of this section.
1.1)Connector: External data can be populated when using connector.The connector type must be specified.
1.2)Data Transform: Use to data transform copying a clipboard page to create a new page and mapping properties one page to another existing page or new page.
1.3)Report Definiton: Use to report Definition defining a report.
1.4)Look-up: Use to Look-up list specific data object unlike report definition.
1.5)Activity: Execute an activity that creates and populates the page.
Post Load Processing
Finally I will show the load management section before the finish my blog. The picture below shows the view of this section.
1)Post Load Processing
The refresh strategy for a data page determines the time period for which the data page is valid.By using this section, you can create refresh strategy.
1.1)Reload once per interaction: The system refreshes the data page exactly once per user interaction. This option is available only for data pages with a scope of Thread
or Requestor
1.2) Do not reload when: You can define a when rule for this refresh strategy. If the when rule evaluates to false, the data page contents are refreshed, but never more than once per user interaction.
1.3) Reload if older than: You can define the amount of time after which the data page is considered expired.
Thank you for your time to read my post.
- https://academy.pega.com/mission/system-architect/v1
- https://community.pega.com/knowledgebase/articles/data-management-and-integration/85/data-pages
- https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v73/procomhelpmain.htm#rule-/rule-declare-/rule-declare-pages/main.htm%3FTocPath%3DReference%7CRule%2520types%7CData%2520Page%2520rules%7C_____0
- https://myknowpega.com/2017/05/13/data-pages/