Bentego listens to your needs and offers tailored business intelligence solutions.

Our developers work with you to do what’s best for your solution.


Data Preparation and data model

Bentego experts clean and make your data suitable for reporting so that you can quickly access your data and use it in reports. After that we are provide good data model for quick and trust reports.


Bentego developers make your data ready for analysis with advanced visuals using Power BI.

Bentego experts provide to accelerate and improve decision-making processes with advanced and easy-to-understand dashboards. Bentego developers are highly experienced and have solutions for all sectors.

Share and Export

Bentego developers provide to process for securely share these reports with people who need them. Power BI users also sending mail or export reports like pdf or powerpoint and using for presentation.

Mobile Design

Bentego developers also design your reports for mobile devices. This way, Power BI users can easily follow your reports from anywhere with your phone or tablet.


Customers will be able to master the basic features of Power BI and be able to make basic reports with workshops prepared by Bentego experts.

How can we help with Power BI?

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